Advanced Kubernetes and Docker Workshop
Training TypeLive Training
Duration24 Hours

Docker and Kubernetes Training Course Introduction
About Docker and Kubernetes Training Course
On days 1 you will center on developing the skills and knowledge needed for orchestrating workloads on Kubernetes. Understanding containerization and everything required to deploy application on Kubernetes. On day 2, you will deploy an actual microservice application on Kubernetes cluster deployed on AWS , different type of workloads, providing storage and how to enable logging and monitoring using industry standard tools like Elastic Stack, Prometheus and Grafana. On day 3, you will learn more advanced concepts on Kubernetes such as RBAC, network policies, Taints & Toleration and Using Helm package manager.
Docker and Kubernetes Training Course Objective
Participants should understand development workflow and should be familiar with build tools, source management with git, branching, automated testing, build and deployment automation.
Who is the Kubernetes Training Course Target Audience?
Devops Engineer or Data Engineer who want to start using Kubernetes
What Basic Knowledge Required to Learn Kubernetes Training?
Though there are no prerequisites. However, basic Knowledge of working with Linux & AWS will be add on.
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What is Containerization
Creating your first container
Understanding Docker Architecture
Building and pushing Docker Images
Orchestrating workloads using pods on worker nodes
Examine the node selector
Discuss implementing the impact of taints and tolerations for Kubernetes workloads
Review both pod and node affinity and anti-affinity
Working with Kubernetes Deployment
Release updates to applications running on the Kubernetes platform
Working with various deployment strategies- Green/Blue and Canary
Discuss multi-tenancy in a Kubernetes cluster
Using Namespace to achieve multi tenancy
Assigning Resource Quota/Limit Ranges to namespaces
Using config Maps and environment variables
Using Secrets for configuring confidential information
Working with Stateful Sets
Working with DaemonSet
Working with Cronjobs/Jobs
Deploy and configure the Elastic Stack logging stack, and use it to browse container logs
Deploying Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring
Review available storage options for applications
Discuss constraints of persistent storage in a standard Kubernetes cluster deployment
Examine the storageClass object
Discuss RBAC implementation within Kubernetes
Examine Kubernetes RBAC components
Review Auditing within Kubernetes
Determine how to enable Auditing within a Kubernetes cluster
Discuss network routing options within Kubernetes
Discuss the benefits of the Ingress controller and object
Examine the Ingress object and controller pattern
Understanding Helm
Using helm to deploy and manage applications on Kubernetes
Many learning platforms offer training in Docker and Kubernetes, and most of them are good in their own ways. Yet, we suggest that when you go for Docker and Kubernetes, it is best to learn from the frontline organizations themselves. We suggest that you go for Docker and Kubernetes from any of the following:
- Google Cloud
- IBM Skills Network
- Red Hat
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Duke University.
Earning a certificate from any of these esteemed names is quite simple. You can enroll online directly with any of them, or you can enroll for learning platforms through which these organizations and universities offer these courses.
Good question! This is a question many developers face because Docker and Kubernetes are so strongly bound together that they are referred alongside each other.
The fact is that developers should learn both. Although not a rule, it makes sense to start with Docker and then move on to Kubernetes, because if Docker starts with containers, Kubernetes shows how to put them to use. Knowledge of Kubernetes is best built on the foundation of Docker.
Definitely yes! Docker and Kubernetes are simple but effective software containerization and container orchestration tools with which developers build applications and ship them remotely along with all the dependencies they need, to the library or network that uses them.
As we can see from this understanding, this function of Docker and Kubernetes completely simplifies the entire application deployment process. This makes learning Docker and Kubernetes very important and valuable.
Yes, many. If you want to graduate into this career by starting from the basic level, you could consider these steps for Docker and Kubernetes certification:
- Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate certification (KCNA)
- Docker Certified Associate certification (DCA)
- Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
- Certified Kubernetes Application Developer certification (CKAD)
- Certified Kubernetes Administrator certification (CKA)
- Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist certification (CKS)
Yes, but only if you have made up your mind about staying in this field in the long run. Like in any other professional field, the more you learn about Docker and Kubernetes while being in the profession, the better, because like all other areas of technology, this too, keeps changing and expanding. Continuous learning is the only way to stay updated and move with the changes.
Depending on your experience, the level of Kubernetes certification you want to earn, and the time you have, we would say anywhere between three and six months is a realistic timeframe for learning Kubernetes.
It is when you look at what Docker and Kubernetes do. We have to understand that these two software technologies have been developed with the aim of simplifying the entire process of application deployment through containerization. Today, most well-known organizations the world over rely on Docker and Kubernetes to creating, packaging, deploying, managing, securing, and, finally, scaling applications.
It goes without saying that these are highly sought-after skills for organizations. So, we can say with confidence that if you have chosen Kubernetes as a career, you have made a sound choice.
From a monetary perspective, knowledge of Kubernetes can bring hefty benefits. Kubernetes engineers earn between 130,000 and 180,000 USD depending on their position, experience, and company.
Any exam in a subject that is not close to one’s heart is difficult! The same goes for Kubernetes. If you love working in this technology and are ambitious about growing in it, the basis for doing it is to enjoy what you are doing. If you can cultivate this attitude, you will pass the Kubernetes exam without much difficulty.
We have just examined why organizations need Docker and Kubernetes. These tools help ease the core functions of organizations that deploy them. Containerization is a high-quality application that can be deployed across extremely large-scale uses by adapting to any new environment effortlessly and seamlessly. Obviously, this is a huge benefit for organizations.
Anywhere between three and six months.
That depends on the level at which you want to start and graduate to. Courses range from a few hours for the beginner level to a few weeks as you go higher. Keeping your personal situation in mind, and the requisite gaps that need to be allowed between levels, we would say you could keep three to six months as the timeframe for learning Docker.
Jobs in Kubernetes can be of the general grades that you would find in any field of software, such as Junior Engineer, Software Engineer, and so forth. Depending on the organization, you could land in roles more specific to Kubernetes. These could include Kubernetes Engineer/DevOps Engineer at various levels and technologies, such as Azure, Google Cloud, etc.
A certification in Kubernetes is sure to land you in various positions in organizations. You could work in areas such as site reliability, and platform engineering, for instance.
Online offers all the learning that you would want to gain to become successful at Kubernetes. These courses are usually from highly reputed online learning platforms. Many of them are affiliated to well-known institutions of global name and value.
Online courses are very current, as they are completely updated with the latest developments and syllabi. They are very convenient, and yes, they offer certification, which ensures that your learning is valued anywhere you take it.
Kubernetes does not specify any ground level knowledge for anyone who wants to learn it. However, it helps to have some level of familiarity with Docker, Podman, Crio-O, knowledge of the basics of node.js, Linux, Unix, and a little of Python.
Most Docker Kubernetes certifications are valid for between two and three years, depending on the grade of exam.
While Docker is a container, Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool. So, this means that while Docker does the basic work, Kubernetes takes it to the next level, by being the tool that enables the container to work at scale. Kubernetes creates, manages, or destroys containers, as required. In other words, each function is in synchrony with the other.
It is true that Kubernetes removed, or, to use the appropriate technical term, deprecated, both Docker and docker shim at the end of 2020. This is for purely technical reasons. The Docker container runtime was not compliant with Kubernetes’ new Container Runtime Interface (CRI). This is because Docker was not designed to be built right into Kubernetes, which would have resulted in issues with pulling and running container images.
But this decision, although a technically momentous one, does not affect the user as seriously as one would think. Kubernetes may have deprecated Docker, but it continues to offer the option of using an Open Container Initiative (OCI) image. The images of both formats look identical on Kubernetes, so nothing of significance has changed from the perspective of the developer, for whom life will go on as usual.
Kubernetes has deprecated Docker, which means that it will not exactly replace Docker, but will run without it.
No. If Kubernetes could discontinue using Docker, it means that it does not need the latter to function.
Docker is a container, while Kubernetes is an orchestration tool for this container. Docker places everything that is needed for an application to work, into a container, or what may be called a box. You can store this box wherever you want to and can open it whenever you want.
Kubernetes takes over from here. It does everything that the application is expected to deliver. So, you could say that Docker offers Kubernetes the work that it is meant to do.
Let us explain just exactly what Kubernetes does:
- It is a container orchestration software tool that automates the operational tasks of containers;
- It scales applications to either higher or lower levels, as required;
- It monitors applications by making the requisite changes at great speed, making the management of applications easier and simpler
In simple words, Kubernetes is used for creating applications that can be deployed and used anywhere, easily, efficiently, and speedily.
Some of the real-life examples or test cases of Docker and Kubernetes are search engines, dating apps, work tracking applications, audio and video streaming services, BFSI organizations, media, and many more.
Docker and Kubernetes, when they coordinate and work with each other, bring several advantages to organizations that use them. These are some of them:
- Docker and Kubernetes automate operations to exact specifications
- The combination of Docker and Kubernetes completely handles infrastructure relating to computing, storing, and networking, because of which developers can focus on their core work instead of having to worry about these procedural issues
- It ensures the health of the service by mapping the running environment with the required state. It carries out scheduled, automated health checks on the services and keeps correcting them at the necessary stages.
Being a container orchestration tool, Kubernetes increases and simplifies the speed at with applications are deployed, run, and scaled. It is important to learn Kubernetes because this knowledge can help organizations benefit in a number of ways.
Advanced Kubernetes involves the knowledge of the advanced features of Kubernetes. Advanced topics in Kubernetes generally consist of installing, configuring, and validating, managing resources, storage, logging, and monitoring, managing stateful set, networking, Helm, and Istio.
Mostly Containers, but also other applications such as CRI-O.
Very much. It is the company that created Kubernetes.
Kubernetes is both a Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD) tool.
Kubernetes deprecated Docker in late ’20.