Build Serverless application on AWS Cloud
Training TypeLive Training
Duration8 Hours

AWS Fundamentals Certification Course Introduction
About AWS Fundamentals Certification Course
This will be a hands-on workshop to Design and Develop Serverless Application using modern techniques which includes AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, S3, CloudFront. It's going to be an enriching experience to create an end-to-end working Single Page Application using REST interface.
Serverless computing offers a number of advantages over traditional cloud-based or server-centric infrastructure. It allows developers to build apps without the headache of managing infrastructure. More specially, it enables them to write in serverless code without having to Provision a server, Ensure its functionality, Create test environments on a server. It also offers greater scalability, more flexibility, and quicker time to release, all at a reduced cost. This workshop will help you building a serverless web application by leveraging AWS Services.
AWS Fundamentals Certification Course Objective
- Effectively demonstrate knowledge and advantages of serverless architecture and how to architect and deploy a scalable serverless web application hosted on AWS.
- Provide implementation guidance based on best practices to the organization throughout the life cycle of the application covering various components like:
1. Create REST API for CRUD (Create Read Update and Delete) Operations using AWS API Gateway and Lambda Functions
- a. Create New Tutorial
- b. Read all Tutorials, Search Tutorial By its Title, Get Tutorial by its ID
- c. Update the Tutorial
- d. Delete Tutorial
2. Postman - Most popular REST Client for testing your REST API, Learn how to Install and Use POSTMan to call the APIs
3. By the end of the session you will learn to develop a highly scalable app using AWS Serverless Architecture running with the Lowest cost options.
Who is the AWS Fundamentals Certification Target Audience?
Students & Professionals want to learn or enrich AWS Cloud skills including Programmers, Developers, Technical Leads, Architects.
What Basic Knowledge Required to Learn AWS Fundamentals?
Basic understanding of AWS cloud platform
Python scripting
Rest API
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What is Serverless Architecture
Advantages of serverless
Scalable serverless Architectures with AWS
Application Overview
Application Archtecture
Application Components
Introduction to S3 Bucket
Create S3 Bucket
Enable Public Hosting on S3 Bucket
Introduction to EC2 Instance
Create EC2 Instance
Build Static File App (React and Nodejs)
Deploy Static File App on S3 Bucket
DynamoDB Introduction
DynamoDB Tables, Components Primary Key, Composite Keys
Hands on Labs - Dynamo DB
Introduction to Rest APIs
Advantages of REST APIs
Introduction to Lambda
Lambda invocation types
Lambda Scaling and Service Limits
Lambda Operations & monitiong
Lambda Testing
Hands on Labs - AWS Lambda
Introduction to Amazon API Gateway
API Gateway Architecture, API Methods & Resources
API Gateway CORS
Hands on Labs- API Gateway
Why Postman?
Installation & Set-up
Hands-on Lab- Postman
Application Deployment and Execution
End to end working App
To Design and Develop Serverless Applications will use AWS Lambda is a modern technique for serverless. This event-driven computing service lets you run code for almost any type of application or backend service without deploying or managing servers. You can trigger Lambda from over 200 AWS services and software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications.
The AWS Serverless Application Model is a cloud-native development model that allows you to build and run serverless applications without managing servers. It is an open-source framework that provides less scripting syntax to express functions, databases, APIs, and event source mappings. In YAML Ain't Markup programming Language (YAML), you just write a few lines per resource, and you can define your desired application and model.
AWS Serverless applications are becoming a popular option for companies and development teams to concentrate on their core web or mobile applications without spending much time maintaining technical infrastructure.
Below is the list of popular AWS Serverless Services:
- AWS Lambda
- Amazon API Gateway
- AWS Step Functions
- AWS DynamoDB
- AWS Fargate
- Amazon SNS
- Amazon SQS
- Amazon Aurora
To deploy serverless applications, you will have 2 options by using AWS SAM.
1) Generate a CI/CD pipeline configuration that can be used as a starting point for your own application, or
2) Change your existing pipeline configuration to use AWS SAM CLI commands
Before hosting a web app, need to set up a serverless web application by using different AWS services then will configure them together and upload your application code to AWS services like AWS Lambda, a serverless compute service. Just login into AWS Management Console and select any one of the services like Lambda and follow the on-screen steps.
You may require basic scripting programming to use AWS cloud platforms. To build your own AWS serverless application just follow the below steps.
· Create an account in AWS
· Build AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions
· Install Docker. It is only to use test your application locally
· Install Homebrew. It is only for Linux and macOS
· Installing the AWS Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (AWS SAM CLI). Make sure to check the version before installing
Yes, you need AWS CLI and Docker CLI to deploy the Lambda container image in the AWS cloud. The container image must be implementing the Lambda Runtime API. Docker partners with AWS to help developers accelerate the delivery of modern applications to the cloud.
Yes, in AWS Lambda serverless there are some limitations. The Lambda disk space is limited to 512 MB, the deployment package size is 50 MB, the memory range is 128 to 3008 MB, and the function execution timeout is 15 minutes.
These restrictions are enforced by AWS to ensure that you cannot install serverless features that take a long time to boot.
These 3 are the core components like Lambda functions, configuration, and event source (trigger) of building applications on AWS Lambda.
The AWS serverless is one of the best choices for organizations seeking greater flexibility, cost reduction, reduced development complexity, greater scalability, and cloud infrastructure management. It's more useful and easier for developers to quickly deploy applications, manage back-end servers, provision them, and deliver features.
AWS Serverless Architecture is a process to design software that allows developers to build, and run applications and services without having to manage infrastructure.
At the time of long-running applications should not use serverless, why because it is not efficient. Long-running application task is more expensive as you compare with a virtual machine or dedicated server.
Nowadays many companies using ServerlessArchitecture and the developers are using any one of these languages JavaScript (TypeScript) or Python to develop their applications. JavaScript (TypeScript) & Python languages are the most popular for Serverless in AWS.
A Serverless computer has no fixed resources, it will run multiple applications from a single server. Normal servers have fixed resources that users should plan to use.
You can create a new Serverless application from the AWS Lambda console. Here AWS Lambda application is a mixture of Lambda functions, event sources, and different assets that work collectively to operate tasks.
Steps to Create a new Serverless application in the AWS Lambda console
· Go to the menu which is shown on the left side and select an application.
· Select create an application and then choose Serverless API backend by following the onscreen steps.
· Review the steps and then the configuration of the application, then click on the NEXT button.
· Configure the application settings by following onscreen instructions.
· After entering all the application configuration details, then click on the create button.
You’re planning to start Serverless App to grow. you reach a stage where you try to find the best way to organize it. This post presents some best practices for organizing and managing large-scale serverless applications.
Below are the steps to structure a Real-World Serverless App:
- Services Organizing in repos
- Organizing Lambda functions
- Deploying an entire app
AWS Well-Architected will use for cloud architects to build secure, resilient, high-performing, and environment-friendly infrastructure for a range of applications and workloads.
Built around six pillars below:
· Security Pillar
· Reliability Pillar
· Operational Excellence Pillar
· Performance Efficiency Pillar
· Cost Optimization Pillar
· Sustainability Pillar
Commonly, for web app hosting, the cost ranges between $70 to $320 per month, relying on the information it uses, the expected number of users, and average scalability. Cloud services like Amazon Web Services (AWS) are generally less expensive and you can pay only for what you will use. To host Web apps on AWS Serverless, it depends on the type of usage, you need to figure out what kind of server is required, what kind of server app is suitable, what type of data is used by it, and others.
There are 4 types of pricing models in AWS. AWS is having pay-as-you-go pricing models, which means you will pay only for what you used. Some models permit you to minimize charges by means of committing to offerings or resources for a period of time.
The following are the pricing models:
Serverless application technology is the latest trend in cloud computing. Serverless computing is an emerging future and was developed to solve the problem of resource allocation in cloud computing. Serverless is designed to address this problem by adding automation that removes the need for users to dictate how many computing resources a workload requires.
Who knows AWS Lambda Serverless application they can get a good salary, as an entry-level employee will get a salary of $1,10,000 per year, and experienced professionals will get up to $1,90,000 per year. This salary is an average prediction based on multiple survey resources. The salary is depending on multiple criteria such as company, experience level, location, and others.
Nowadays, Serverless is almost the whole world's strategy. As per the survey, there are thousands of companies that successfully use AWS Serverless architecture like AWS Lambda.
Below are some of the companies that are using serverless:
· Codepen
· Coca-Cola
· Zalora
· Netflix
· Nordstrom
· MindMup
· Shamrock
· Figma
Finally, other big companies continue to beat the competition by using serverless production.
By default, you may run Lambda functions between 500 to 3,000 per AWS region. But there is no maximum occurrence limit for Lambda functions. However, increasing the limit is only allowed if the use case requires it. We recommend requesting a limit increase at least two weeks before the required increase to avoid throttling.
If you want to become a serverless expert, should build solutions with managed services such as AWS cloud, Google Cloud (GCP), or Azure. Build your solution by configuring different services and running all your business logic on AWS Lambda or CGP Cloud Functions instead of servers.
Key points to learn how to become a serverless expert:
· Have a solid knowledge of JavaScript or Python. You don't have to be a wizard, but if you're familiar with creating Express or Flask servers, the rest will be much easier.
· Choose a Framework - between Serverless Frameworks or AWS CDK.
· Explore our hands-on course “Build Serverless application on AWS Cloud” to learn how to build using the framework. Start building APIs with API Gateway and Lambda.
· Learn more about the serverless you`re using. Such as Creating REST API for CRUD operations using AWS API Gateway and Lambda Functions, Postman, Serverless Building Blocks, and Application Deployment and Execution.
Serverless applications can solve resource problems while using a server on the AWS cloud. It does not have fixed resources, so you can easily run multiple applications from only one server. Traditional servers have fixed resources that users should provide to use. It is an AWS cloud development model that allows developers to create and run applications without managing servers.
AWS Serverless application technology has autoscaling, it is integrated with high availability and a usage-based billing model to improve agility and optimize costs. These technologies also remove infrastructure management functions like size provisioning and completing work, you just focus on writing code that will work for your clients.
In API Gateway, Rest API is a combination of resources and methods built into a backend HTTP endpoint, Lambda function, or other AWS services. Also, you can use API Gateway functions to help with all aspects of the API lifecycle, from building operational APIs to monitoring them.
DynamoDB provides to use both provisioned capacity and on-demand capacity modes, so you can optimize costs by specifying capacity per table or paying only for the resources consumed. We do not provision servers, patch, or maintain servers.DynamoDB is a serverless carrier that automatically scales up and right all the way down to alter for potential and preserve performance. It additionally has integrated excessive availability and fault tolerance.